


Its possible to get stranded sometimes when it comes to what to do to show how much you care. Probably because you don’t know what your partner really want, or you just cant say if you are doing it the right way. It is the desire of every human to feel loved and appreciated, and when you show love the right way, it has a way of making your partner glow.
Follow these 100 tips on what you can do to show love to your partner:

1. Hug them.

2. Write a love note.

3. Call them at work just to say “Hi.”

4. Give them a foot massage.

5. Tell them a joke.

6. Caress them with slow gentle strokes.

7. Go for a walk with them.

8. Send them a “happy gram.”

9. Admit your mistakes.

10. Say: “I love you.”

11. Indulge a whim.

12. Listen to them talk about an interest of theirs.

13. Be trustworthy.

14. Instead of complaining, tell them what you would prefer.

15. Look at them when you’re in a discussion.

16. Send flowers.

17. Compliment something they did.

18. Offer to help.

19. Ask them to show you how to do something.

20. Call when you are going to be late.

21. Take them out to dinner.

22. Write them a poem about how special they are.

23. Cut out a cartoon they’ll enjoy.

24. Ask them what they’d like sexually.

25. Go shopping together.

26. Take an afternoon drive.

27. Cuddle.

28. Put your arm around them in front of others.

29. Take them out on a surprise date.

30. Do something they want to do.

31. Listen.

32. Plan a candle light dinner.

33. Look at old photos together.

34. Serve them breakfast in bed.

35. Hold hands.

36. Share sexual fantasies.

37. Do a work project together.

38. Rub their back.

39. Take a shower together.

40. Carry their photo in your wallet.

41. Go away together for a weekend holiday.

42. Kiss them.

43. Smile more when you look at them.

44. Go for a bicycle ride together.

45. Surprise them with “special” attire.

46. Plan a picnic lunch.

47. Read something together about how to have a better relationship.

48. Repeat what they say before answering.

49. Say “Good morning” first.

50. Ask if they have a few minutes first before interrupting.

51. Send them a card.

52. Surprise them with a gift when it’s a non-holiday.

53. Cook them a favorite meal.

54. Try a new restaurant.

55. Ask them how they feel.

56. Let them know when you are proud of them.

57. Ask for their opinion.

58. Turn on some romantic music.

59. Dedicate a song to them.

60. Send them a balloon bouquet.

61. Watch a sunset together.

62. Play a game together.

63. Have them teach you something they know.

64. Go to a movie they select.

65. Ask them for a hug.

66. Wear some new cologne.

67. Take them to Bali.

68. Discuss future plans with them.

69. Ask if you can help when they look sad.

70. Ask them about their dreams.

71. Meet them for lunch.

72. Enlarge a scenic photo of a place you’ve shared.

73. Give them a gift certificate for their favorite store.

74. Tell them what you like about them.

75. Buy them a new perfume.

76. Take them to a scenic spot.

77. Send them a gourmet gift basket.

78. Send them a joke card.

79. Let them know when you’ve thought of them during the day.

80. Compliment them to their friends.

81. Bring them a thirst quenching drink.

82. Tell them when they look attractive.

83. Send them a post card.

84. Invite them to a secret rendezvous.

85. Give them a massage.

86. Take a lesson with them.

87. Look at photos together of when you met.

88. Plan a vacation with them.

89. Listen openly to their opposing opinion.

90. Buy them a new piece of jewelry.

91. Watch a TV show they like with them

92. Write them a letter.

93. Listen to music with them, such as an old favorite.

94. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear.

95. Tell them what you like that they do.

96. Give a head massage.

97.Invite them to a concert.

98. Go dancing together e.g salsa class

99. Go sporting together

100. Go to movies together

101. Stroke their palms


In a world where one has to make ends meet, study hard and strive to become somebody, leaving one comfort zone and breaking new grounds is inevitable, but the impact of distance on relationships cannot be overemphasized.

It is commonly said that “out of sight is out of mind” , this is because its easier to get carried away when you’re not with the one you love, even though true love should be able to stand the test of time, but distance has its way of taking its tolls on relationships if not well managed.

It is hard enough to make local relationships work, but having miles, states, and sometimes even an ocean between you makes it even more difficult. However, successful long distance relationships can and do exist. It will survive as long as you are willing to work it out. Here are few tips that can help you to keep it steamy hot even when you are miles away from the one you love:

1. Ask the important questions at the onset:  If relationship is not defined, weathering the storms of distance becomes an issue. Make sure you are both clear on the parameters of the relationship. Setting parameters such as naming your relationship (dating, seeing each other, boyfriend/girlfriend, engaged) as well as defining exclusive (limited to one person,) or non-exclusive. These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line. Example: “Are you open to the possibility of relocating if the relationship should become more serious?” or “What are you looking to get out of the relationship?” Stating your end goal or ideas will allow each person to maintain what they need.

2. Do things together: Defy the distance. As a long distance couple, it’s important to do other things together besides the usual phone call. In a long distance relationship, interaction over the phone can become dull in the long run. Incorporating other forms of interaction are important. Just think… People in short-distance relationships do not spend the majority of their time talking, but rather doing things with each other. Try to replicate this by finding things to do together such as watching a TV show, reading novels/books or watching movie simultaneously.

3. Communicate as often as possible: Since you won’t be seeing each other, it’s important to establish and maintain an emotional connection. These don’t always have to be long, in-depth conversations. Tell each other about your little triumphs and tragedies. Ask for advice. Use an instant messenger program, real-time chat, or web cams for that visual connection. E-mail is great so make sure you use it, especially if long-distance phone calls put a strain on your budget. Remember that e-mail and even instant messengers can increase the possibility of misunderstandings. Write love letters. Send small gifts or flowers for no reason. In this case, quantity is as important as quality. You may discover an advantage over others whose partner is close at hand—you don’t take communication for granted! There’s nothing like too busy to reach out to someone you love, nothing!

4. Take advantage of the advantages and benefits: Its a common saying that staying too long together can lead to been boring, in fact it is clinically advised that every one should have his/her own time in a relationship/marriage to avoid emotionally overburdening the relationship. Take advantage of the benefits that the distance offered and make the best of it. Learn new business/skill, spend more time with friends and/or family, get another certificate, volunteer in a caus eyoure passionate about etc. Another advantage of distance relationship is the fact that you fight and argue less, no arguments over toothpaste caps, no enlargement over who did what…. The pleasure of seeing your sweetheart again after a long absence, time to mull your options (rather than snapping at your partner impulsively) before you respond to that email s/he wrote that seemed so rude the first time you read it, etc. Most important, being far apart gives you a chance to maintain your individuality—something that can get lost in the shuffle when couples spend all their free time together. Here are additional benefits of long distance relationships.

5. Pursue common interests: even if it means pursuing them apart. If there’s a movie you’re both interested in seeing, watch it individually and then call each other afterward and talk about it. Read a certain book at the same time. Stargaze while you’re on the phone. Set your watches to go off at the same time every day, and synchronize your alarm with that of your partner. Make it a point to think of each other when your watch goes off, and revel in the fact that he or she is thinking about you, too. Find creative ways to bond.

6. Avoid the temptation to be controlling. People have free will and no one can or should control another person. As long as you are both interested in being in the relationship, you will stick with it and distance will not make a difference. As soon as one of you decides the other is not a good match—or someone else is a better match—your relationship ends, whether you live 3000 miles apart, two streets over, or share the same bed with your wedding picture on the wall. You are going to have to trust each other completely if this relationship is going to work.

7. Try challenging each other: This is not the same as being controlling. You may find that you can do things for each other that you couldn’t quite find the motivation to do on your own. Perhaps you could motivate yourselves to get some exercise or to cook better or more often. It will give you something to do while you wait to see your partner again, and it will give you both something to strive for and talk about until then.

8. Talk about your future together: Assuming that ultimately you’d want to live together, discussing how you’re going to get to that point will help you prove to each other that the relationship is going somewhere and that your efforts and frustrations are not in vain.

9. Remember: Things will get better with time, and even the relationship will become better. Have hope. Visit often. Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to. A relationship cannot thrive if the only thing you have is the phone call. You need to see each other up close and personal every chance you get. The key here is to set up some “rules” about frequency of communication and visits and stick to them. Consistency can help a long-distance relationship survive.

10. Avoid jealousy and be trusting. One of the easiest ways to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship is to poison it with jealousy and drama. When you start a long distance relationship, you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead. It always helps if you go in a relationship with the idea that everyone is innocent and worthy of trust until proven otherwise. Don’t fall in the trap of interrogating your partner every time he/she decides to go out for a drink with people you haven’t met or he/she didn’t get back to you right away when you called and left a message. Just because you are in a long-distance relationship doesn’t mean your lives will pause. Your partner will naturally have a social life where he/she lives and so should you. Sure, it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive, but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too. You should both maintain your social activity and be happy with yourselves.

11. Be positive. Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a long-distance relationship is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content. Being away from your sweetie is not all bad news. Use the opportunity of personal time to pursue your interests and hobbies as well as your career objectives. Another positive point is that long distance dating pushes both of you to be more creative, to communicate better since you don’t have “face-to-face” time and to test (and express) your feelings. As long as you see the long-distance relationship as a temporary state, you will keep your chin up and transmit that feeling of security and happiness to your partner too.
Give them a personal object of yours so in a time of need, when they miss you, they are able to hold on to something that once belonged to you. This will provide comfort, happiness, and the thought of being with you.

12. Work towards a balanced relationship between partners: A relationship must be built on strong foundations of trust, understanding and determination to make it work. The two partners should be reasonable about their expectations and willing to cooperate so that the relationship can lead to a happy ending. If these parameters are taken care of, you have nothing to worry about. But don’t forget to ask some questions because if you don’t, your partner may start to think that you’re losing interest.

13. Create your own set of relationship standards that both of you have mutually agreed upon. That creates a common goal for you to work towards, developing a strong relationship whether you are together or apart. For example, agree to disagree, accept each other as you are, practice trust and honesty, strive towards compromise and self-sacrifice, seek spiritual unity, and maintain open communication.
14. Set date and time for your plans: Don’t just plan, we will get married soon, we will work on staying together soon….. Make sure you include date on every of your plans and goals and work towards achieving it on the set date.

15. Be committed: Commitment is more of determination and not just only about feelings. Be disciplined enough to be dedicated to your relationship. If your commitment is strong enough, overcoming temptations and the challenges that comes with distance becomes easier.

Are you in a distance relationship/marriage and finding it difficult to make things work? Follow here to talk to a counselor:



You have been making moves to get acquainted with her, you could have been chatting for weeks online and have now decided to meet on a date. She could be an old friend or you are probably meeting for the first sign and you want to be sure you are not pushing your luck too hard. Here are some few psychological green light to look out for to confirm if you can take things a step further.


1. She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.

2. Her skin tone becomes red or a bit pale while being around you.

3. She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours.

4. She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she’s thinking about you and her relating in some way…

5. She Plays with her jewelry, especially with stroking and pulling motions.

6. She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.

7. She exposes the palms of her hand facing you.

8. Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth…

9. She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm.

10. She puts her fingernail between her teeth.

11. She laughs in unison with you.

12. She touches your arm, shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you.

13. She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you.

14. Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that same leg is rocking back and forth towards you.

15. While talking to you, she rest an elbow in the palm of one hand, while holding out her other hand, palm up.

16. In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you.

17. While talking to you, she blinks more than usual, fluttering her eyelashes.

18. Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.

19. She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours.

20. Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile usually indicates interest in you.

21. She rubs her wrists up and down

22. She laughs at your boring stupid joke

23. She always stare back whenever you glance at her

24. She seems to be always there when you need help

25. she wants to see you again or be in your presence regularly

26. she avoids mentioning her boyfriend but want to know if you have a girlfriend

27. she discusses you with her friends




Blood gushing, heart beating, voice shaking and a lot going through your mind. “How do I get it right and keep him/ her? I need to impress my date to take things to the next level”……. Your mood is understandable, these tips will help you to calm down your nerves and do things the right way.

1. Don’t try too hard to impress: I understand you could be agitated, tensed and will want to do everything to look your best to give a lasting impression on your first date, but have it at the back of your mind that simplicity carries the day when it come to first date. The simpler the better! A loud make up is a no no, keep it simple and clean, ponytail or a long straight falling hair is a turn on. For the guys , make sure you keep it clean and simple. A pair of clean Jean with a nice fitted(not too fitted)T-shirt is a good one. Whenever it come to your first date, anything with the word ” too” is going to spoil things.

2. There’s no alternative to smelling good: believing that you have understood that “too” is a no no, smelling good is a turn on. Ladies are easily attracted to a man that smells good and it makes a woman sexier for to men. Don’t compromise that, get a very good and attracting perfume/cologne, you will be surprised that he/ she will keep smelling you after days of your meeting.

3. Add a little bit of sexiness: a little cleavage is not a bad idea, don’t forget the word little, dress up in a way that attention is drawn to your “selling point”. Men are moved by what they see, this is a useful fact anytime any day. Stylishly Drawing attention to your neatly manicured nails and broad shoulder is a plus for the men.

4. Don’t talk about your ex or ask about his/her: I mean, who does that on a first date. The date is about you two and not a looser somewhere else, frequent talk about your ex is a sign of insecurity, especially when you say bad things about them. Don’t do it, avoid it completely or it will ruin your date. If he/she asked about him/ her, casually talk about what happened in a pleasant manner and change the topic.

5. Don’t over- order: when you are to choose your menu, keep it clean and simple. Don’t order for a food you are not familiar with to avoid disgrace and of course don’t under for what you won’t eat , it’s a sign of wastage. Do I have to mention that you should order decently, not shawarma, fried rice, chicken and chips, native soup and pounded yam , all at the same time, if you do, I bet that could be your last supper in that relationship.

6. Be honest and genuine: be yourself, don’t pretend to be whom you are not, if your date raised a topic you are not familiar with, rather than committing blunders, show your readiness to learn, he/she will be impressed.

7. Don’t ask/give in to sex: sex will not keep a man and pregnancy will not make him stay. Forget those telling you that sex on a first date will keep you in a man’s heart, it’s not possible. If you like tumble like Ronaldo on the bed or jump up and down like Serena Williams, no man will keep you just because he got into your honey pot on the first date. Men love to chase and conquer, don’t deny him the privilege of doing that.



Tongues has started wailing, people are already looking at you whenever you are passing, your parents are on your case and it look as if singleness is now sickness. You don’t seems to be happy anymore and it’s as if every other good thing in your life does not count, all you need to be fulfilled is settle down and get a man. You look at yourself in the mirror and spot a small fine line under your eyes, “now I’m having wrinkles” you said to yourself, it’s as if your world has stopped moving all because you want to change your status from single to married, no thanks to the society we live in. You don’t even care at this point, any man will do for you, you just want to be address with the prefix MRS and that’s all that matters.
And for the male folks, probably you get worried when your friends children call you uncle or whenever your parents called and ask when you are going to give them a grandchild. Maybe, people in your vicinity has started asking questions about your sexuality and you are not comfortable with being single.
As a professional counselor and matchmaker, even though i might not be able to understand your feelings, I can relate with what you are going through, and experience has thought me that most time, you are the reason why you are still single, maybe, just maybe there are things you are not doing right, check out these few points, I think it might help you find your feet.

1. Unreasonable expectations:
It baffles me when I listen to the quality some ladies needed in their man, he must be tall, dark, handsome, God fairing, caring, loving, lanky, straight fingers, clean, bla bla…. It’s good to desire good things, but while desiring all these qualities, it is paramount to understand that nobody is perfect. When people walk in to my office for matchmaking and they started listing some unreasonable expectations, I make them realize that, they should consider the fact that they are not perfect before searching for a perfect spouse.
The men these days are not helping matters either, you want a rich girl that can provide for you while you fold your arms, that is trying tot change the natural cause of things and in fact any marriage built on that will not last. She must be tall, fair, straight legs, big boobs, big ass etc, stuffs like these are good but shouldn’t be the foundation on which your marriage will be built.
When you set expectations that are outrageous for yourself, getting the right person to meet such expectations become an issue. So if you feel you should have been married but you are still single against your wish, maybe you need to review your expectations and understand that just the way it is in economics, when it comes to choosing a life partner, there should be scale of preference, you must have your opportunity cost and alternative forgone.

2. Overrating you:
I am so beautiful, I can have any man of my choice, if it doesn’t work out with this one, another guy will always come…. These are reasons why so many gets to the black market before realizing it was too late, you need to understand the Yoruba adage that says “ile obinrin kinpesu”, meaning that it’s advisable for young ladies to make hay while the sun shine.
Some men also feel they are the all in all, after all I’m so handsome, i have a good job, and i can get any lady i want, this can keep unnecessarily single than usual
Do not overrate yourself and loose a good man; a mistake that that is keeping so many ladies in their parents’ home.

3. Spiritual confusion:
I didn’t love him, but God says I should marry him. I remember counseling a 40 years old successful career woman, she actually came to my office to register for matchmaking, her excuse for getting married late was that, God chose for her a man he felt nothing for and told her not to marry the man she cared about. I told her, this is not possible because God is not an author of confusion. When it come to the issue of whom to marry, apart from the leading of the Holy Spirit, you are totally responsible for your action. This is not the time of Adam and Eve when Adam complained to God that he was misled by the woman He gave to him, today you can’t shift blame on God or anyone, you will face the consequences of your action, that is why the word of God says he that finds a wife finds a good thing, you must do the finding with the help of Holy Spirit to obtain the favor that follows. Do not get caught up in the web of spiritual confusion, if not you will be 40 before you realize what is going on. It is good to seek the face of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, but running from pillar to post in the name of spiritual guidance will tie you down unnecessarily.


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